How It Works

1. Check that we service your area
2. Order a bin or subscription from our store
3. Fill your bin or your own bags with items listed in our “Accepted Items”. ITEMS MUST BE CLEAN & DRY. BATTERIES MUST BE TAPED.
4. Schedule a pickup from our store if you are an on-demand customer.
5. Put your bags or bins outside on your designated pickup day!

6. Your items are weighed, sorted through upon pickup and segregated based on end use/material type. Some items are donated to local non-profits, the local community or other organizations for reuse. All other items are sent to specialized recycling facilities to be repurposed into something new!

Every month, you will receive an email with the total weight of materials we have collected for reuse/recycle and where they are going!

End Use


We prioritize giving donations to local local non-profits, organizations, shelters and small businesses versus nationwide organizations. We believe in supporting our local community.

Some items in this category for reuse are:
Textiles, toys, egg cartons, office/art supplies, non perishable food items, books, packaging peanuts, pill bottles, take out containers etc.


Single use items such as various plastics, foam, snack bags, electronic wastes, non-reusable textiles can be recycled at specialized facilities. Routine residential recycling facilities isn’t able to accept many of these items due to the need for specialized equipment, precise sorting required (time/labor intensive) and equipment limitations.
We send our materials to companies with specialized equipment to fully process these into new materials that can be reentered into the economy.

End location

Our focus is to find a method to reuse everything! Unfortunately, that’s not always possible with everything, in that case we ensure everything is responsibly recycled at the proper facility.

  • Electronic waste, batteries & lightbulbs are sent to a RIOS certified electronic waste recycler where it is repurposed, dismantled & recycled into new materials and hazardous materials are properly recovered.
  • Styrofoam is sent to a facility for densifying to be turned into new materials
  • Plastics are sent to a facility to be baled then shredded down and processed into new materials such as decking, siding and building materials.
  • Textiles are either donated, repurposed or recycled if unusable.
  • Egg cartons will go to local farmers for reuse!

Please contact us if you have any questions about where your items are going!

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